Thursday 5 January 2012

CrossFit Kinetics - HALIFAX

I am making a point of blogging my training while overseas in North America. Haven't had time to record everything so far, I have been here about four days and have been VERY busy settling in. I am training at a new box- Crossfit Kinetics, about a 15 min walk from downtown. Really nice people & some good programming... but I have never been more convinced that crossfit is crossfit, no matter where in the world you are.

Monday 2/01/12
5-1 then 1-5
-Powerclean  (165lb/75kg)
-Ring dip
Time = 17:11

Tuesday 3/01/12
Strength: Front Squat
- 3x5 building up to 80% of 1RM
- 6x3 at 80% of 1RM

-1 MU
-50 air squats
-1 MU
-50 one arm russian KB swings (24kg)
-1 MU
-50 Box Jumps (24")
-1 MU
-50 double unders
-1 MU
-50 burpees
-1 MU
Time= 10:18

Thursday 5/01/2012
Strength: Deadlift
- 3x5 building up to 80% of 1RM
- 3x3 at 80% of 1RM (ran out of time for last 3 sets)

7 min AMRAP
-7 OHS (95lb/45kg)
- 12 push ups
rest 3 mins, then..
7 min AMRAP
- 7 push press (95lb/45kg)
-12 pull ups
Score= 4/4 and 5/7

Back is still playing up but plugging away.

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