Friday 17 February 2012

more Wods

Wed 15/02/2012
3 rounds for time:
-10 hang power clean (155lbs)
-5 muscle ups
time= 12:22

Thurs 16/02/2012
20 Min AMRAP:
-8 Deadlift      (225lbs)
-12 Toes to bar
-24 double unders
score= 7/3

Tuesday 14 February 2012

KB Jerks

4 rounds for time:
-20 walking lunges with 24kg KB (held anyway)
-20 KB Jerks (24kg- 10 each arm)
-20 push ups
time= 14:50

Post Wod-
Restorative Yoga for 20 mins

Thursday 9 February 2012


3rm Backsquat
(80kg, 100, 110, 115)

Wod- "Diane"
-Deadlift (225lbs)
Time= 13:11

I don't know the exact time i got last time i did this but i'm pretty sure it was about 14:30, so not unhappy with the result.

Evening wod:
3 rounds for time:
-25 pull ups
-25 knees to elbows
-25 box jumps        (24')
-25 power cleans    (95lbs)
-25 dumbell swings (55lbs)
time= approx 32 mins

Did this in the Uni gym with my friend Jeff who has crossfit experience and is fricken strong, but he can't kipp so the pull ups let him down, he still only finished a few minutes behind me. This was way harder than i thought, by the 2nd round your forearms were shot! It didn't help doing it after Diane this morning either..

Wednesday 8 February 2012


Overhead Squat:
-3x5 (95lbs, 115, 135)
-5x3 (145 lbs/ 65kg)

10 min AMRAP:
-10 KB snatches (24kg)
-10 burpees
-10 KB cleans
*5 per arm
Score= 5 rounds

Tuesday 7 February 2012

3,2,1.. go

At crossfit Kinetics the one thing that's noticable is the workouts tend to be quite short. This is to make time for strength/skill beforehand but you know it's going to be hard and fast everytime.

7 rounds for time:
-7 wallballs (20lbs @ 10')
-7 pullups

Did butterfly for the first 4 rounds and theyare feeling much better, not perfect but getting there. one of my fingers ripped by the 4th round and had to go back to kipping for the final 3 rounds. Just over two weeks untill the open begins... time to take it up a notch!

Thursday 2 February 2012

Running to Class

Halifax public transport is on strike.. first time since 1990 or something. so looks like i'll be running to and from crossfit in the mean time. Funny thing is, it's much quicker!

Work up to 3RM Deadlift
3RM= 300 lbs / 136 kg

-Push press (115lbs)
time= 7:11

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Tyre Flips

-1RM Shoulder Press
Final weight = 125 lbs / 56.8 kg

- pullups                (58)
*Rest 3 mins
- tyre flip + in/out (22)

The three mins went really fast, i feel like i've lost a bit of conditioning since coming to Halifax since i think a few months back i got mid 70's for a 3 min pullup. However i hope some strength might be taking it's place?