Sunday, 8 January 2012


Dalhousie University have a sport complex with a few gym's, courts and a running track along the outside. Pretty cool. Did this workout in one of their gyms, it didn't take me long to find other crossfitters there.. we stuck out pretty well!

Wod- For time:
-100 dumbbell thrusters (25lbs each)
*Every minute on the mintue do 5 burpees.
time= 14:35


  1. fuck yeah true crossfit style! love the raw gym context, were they hang squat clean thrusters like khalipa does or just regular thrusters? keep it up brother, missing you man hope everything is awesome!

  2. Everything is good brother! Na they were normal thrusters.. .only remembered Khalipa did hang squat clean's until after haha! shiiittt. But still a good workout. There are so many xfitters in the uni gym, we just nod to each other haha. hitting up a pool party at 10pm tonight. You have to experience this lifestyle... start organising your exchange now, and live on campus! x
