Saturday 14 January 2012

Weekend Wod's

Friday night
work up to 3 rep max-Thruster
(95lbs, 105, 115, 125, 135, 145, 150)

15 min AMRAP
-3 thrusters (135lbs/65kg)
-6 bar facing burpee bar hops
-9 sumo deadlift
Score= 8 rounds

The thrusters got heavy, quickly!

Saturday morn
-row 1k
-26 wall balls (20lbs@10')
-26 burpee pullups
-26 double unders
-26 deadlifts  (155lbs)
-26 backsquats
-26 hollow body rocks
Time= 17:30

I learnt something valuable this morning.. never crossfit after a big night. The worst workout ever.

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