Friday 30 September 2011


The 'girl' wod that everyone loves to hate...
-Thrusters (45kg)
-pull ups
My time= 5:57

Good workout to have on a friday arvo. Last time I did this was my first time, at my level one cert back in June but with 40kg. I got a time of 6:24 and this time I was aiming for a sub 6 time... so pretty stoked:)
Definately a workout that you feel like you're holding your breath for six minutes (if you're not gasping for air at the end.. sorry but you're not going hard enough... or you're bat man.)

100's Wod:
100 air squats for time
My time= 1:50

(did this in the bathroom before a shower...why not eh?)

                                           1 second in... "shit"

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME JOB!!! I loved this WOD and I'm pretty sure even Batman would be gasping at the end of it!!!)
