Wednesday 28 September 2011

holding the fort

So my brother and I have been looking after the box while owners Match & Kirst were away on a well deserved holiday. This also meant a chance to program Tuesdays 'Strength & Power' session as well as Wednesdays WOD. Shown below along with my training for the last three days:

Sunday 25/09
Recover from the Primal Pairs competition on Saturday (update pending)

Monday 26/09
Wod 1:
Tabata sit-ups
Accumulative score= 92

Wod 2:
12, 9, 6, 3, 6, 9, 12
Box jumps          (24")
My time= 9:56

100's Wod:
100 sit ups for time= 3:53
100 KB swings (20kg) for time= 5:26

Tuesday 27/09
Strength & Power session

1)7x1 barbell farmers carry (adding weight each rep)
Final rep= 120kg (60kg each hand)

note: dropped weight twice before making it across room (15m). These were hard as i had never done these before, the weights moved either down or up as you walked causing you to drop it not because of lack of grip strength, but from the bumper catching the ground. It was definitely a challenge to keep those bars horizontal, but i guess that's the point!

2) 3-3-3-3-3 weighted dips
    3-3-3-3-3 weighted strict pull ups
Final weight for last set of each= 16kg (69kg body weight+16kg vest= 85kg)

These felt pretty good, started off with just 2 bars (approx 1.3kg each) in the vest and by the last set all bars were in.

100's Wod:
100 pull ups for time: 6:32

Got the first 20 in a row, managed another 10 after that, So basically got 30 within the first minute. After that it was a few sets of 5, and then 3's all the way in. No ripped hands, a nice surprise.

Wednesday 28/09
A couple of back2back Wod's I programmed:
Wod 1:
10 Min AMRAP:
-50 double unders
-15 pull ups
-10 power snatches  (40kg)
My score= 3 rounds

Wod 2:
8 Min AMRAP:
-200m run
-8 pistols
-10 KB thrusters (20kg)
My score= 3/17

Absolutely devastated I had only 2 more thrusters to get to 4 full rounds. Two short, but taxing wods... tomorrow's looking like a rest day:)

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