Monday 28 November 2011

Wod Games 21/15/9- wod 1

12pm- WOD
For time:
-600m run
-21 squat cleans (45kg)/21 pullups
-400m run
-15 squat cleans/15 pullups
-200m run
-9 squat cleans/9 pullups
My time= 14:43

Strength & Power- 4pm
Just Tim and I today, was good fun.
1) work up to max weighted pistols (both legs to count).
Tim= 20kg
Me= 24kg

2) 10-1-10-1-10-1 Overhead Squat
Tim= 45kg-75-47.5-80-50-85
Me= 40kg-65-42.5-70-45-75

8pm- Wod Games (Wod 1)
We are entered into this Australia wide crossfit competition (Wod Games- 21/15/9). About 600 athletes have signed up as you get to see how you compare against those who will most likely be your competition when it comes to World Games time, and qualifying for regionals. It's a 10 week long competition, one Wod a week.
Wod 1-
15 Min AMRAP:
-30 Double unders
-20 air squats
-10 burpees onto bumber plate (facing it).
followed by...
-max pull ups in 1 minute.

Tim= 8 rounds/1 burpee + 36 pull ups = 567 reps
Me= 9 rounds/3 air squats + 30 pull ups = 603 reps

I think i'll give this one another shot during the week, as I really want to get past 10 rounds and if you can manage to get the 30 double unders in as well it will put you in a good position to fly past other competitiors.

1 comment:

  1. You're killing it these days - awesome work!! And thanks again for the wicked coaching last night - really helped me with those pull-ups. :)
