Monday 9 January 2012

Uni Gym again

I keep missing crossfit classes since it takes me about 20 mins to get there and have been hell busy this first week. However I will try to make more of an effort to make it since it's on everyday and there's really no excuse. Hit up the uni gym again though... got some good stuff, but too many guys doing curls for my liking. It is also packed so you find yourself having to move between equiptment really fast and can't just stick to the squat rack or barbell. Pretty much mucked around doing whatever i felt like, No one workout.

-10,9,8,7,6,5 Front squats @ 135lbs/60kg (aprox 90 secs rest between).
-5,4,3 Squat cleans @ (60kg/70kg/80kg) again 90 secs between.
- 3x5 dumbell shoulder presses @ 40lbs each
- 3x5 dumbell shoulder presses @ 45lbs each
-HSPU practice

Max pullups- 30
Max toes to bar- 18

Tomorrow... Crossfit!

1 comment:

  1. Admit it - you're not going because it's too cold to walk that far... haha, I called it.. ;-) Miss you!
