Tuesday 10 January 2012

Crossfit Goals

Coach Seivers suggested sharing some of our goals for the next year to push each other to achieve them. Mine are as follows:
                            Current     Goal
Bodyweight-            70          80

Deadlift-                  140       200
Backsquat-             122.5     160
Frontsquat-              105      140
benchpress-             82.5      100
strictpress-                 50       70
pushpress-                 65       80

Snatch-                      60        80
split jerk-                   90       110

Clean-                      100       130
Overhead squat-        75        90

Max pullups-             30        50
max MU-                   5          15
max HSPU-               5          15

*Perfect the butterfly pullup
*Sub 4 Fran
*get better at swimming
*be able to walk on my hands with control
Today's Wod@ Kinetics 530pm
Pre-wod: Butterfly pullup practice
5 Rounds For time:
-3 snatch grip deadlift (Rx=115lbs/  did 95lbs)
-5 power snatch
-7 push ups
-9 sit ups
time= 5:54

Strength @ Uni Gym
-Benchpress (approximate)
2x5 @135lbs
1x5 @145lbs
1x5 @155lbs
1x3 @165lbs
1x2 @175lbs
1@ 180lbs
1@ 188lbs (fail)

-strict dumbell press (sitting)
2x5 @40lbs
2x5 @45lbs
2x3 @50lbs
2x2 @55lbs (failed last set)

Back is starting to feel better, but went lighter on the snatches just to be safe... good wod still. Can't wait to start gaining some strength and work towards these goals. Pete, keep your training up dude!

1 comment:

  1. so unless specified otherwise you're weights are in kg (goals) vs workout (lbs) so confused... heh. :)
