Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Backsquat PR & Diane

Strength Wod- 8am
(Complete 1 strict handstand in between sets = 9 HSPU)

final weight= 60kg-80-100-110-112.5-115-115-120-120-122.5kg

Skills Session-4pm
1) Death by Butterfly Pullups (2,4,6,8...etc)

This means that on the first minute you do 2 reps, second do 4, third do 6 reps and so on until failure to complete linked number of reps for that minute. Decided to work on Butterfly as I have finally started to link a few together (Still way off from the perfect form of spealler and others... but it's a start).
*Finished the 6th minute (12 reps) but was spent = 42 total butterfly pull ups

2) 20 mins on Handstand practice.

This was a lot of fun as myself, Kirst, Pete and Tim all ended up helping each other work on our handstands with cue's and spotting learned from the gymnastics cert we all did together.  My ultimate goal is to be able to walk on my hands with complete control (as if they were my second pair of legs!). Still a while away as I can only hold a handstand for 1 second before crashing down.

3) Benchmark WOD- "Diane"
-Deadlifts (100kg)
-Handstand Pushups
My time= 14:09

Had to scale the HSPU's for this one. I did them on a headmat of about 3 inches- much easier than head to floor.. but still hard!

Monday, 28 November 2011

Wod Games 21/15/9- wod 1

12pm- WOD
For time:
-600m run
-21 squat cleans (45kg)/21 pullups
-400m run
-15 squat cleans/15 pullups
-200m run
-9 squat cleans/9 pullups
My time= 14:43

Strength & Power- 4pm
Just Tim and I today, was good fun.
1) work up to max weighted pistols (both legs to count).
Tim= 20kg
Me= 24kg

2) 10-1-10-1-10-1 Overhead Squat
Tim= 45kg-75-47.5-80-50-85
Me= 40kg-65-42.5-70-45-75

8pm- Wod Games (Wod 1)
We are entered into this Australia wide crossfit competition (Wod Games- 21/15/9). About 600 athletes have signed up as you get to see how you compare against those who will most likely be your competition when it comes to World Games time, and qualifying for regionals. It's a 10 week long competition, one Wod a week.
Wod 1-
15 Min AMRAP:
-30 Double unders
-20 air squats
-10 burpees onto bumber plate (facing it).
followed by...
-max pull ups in 1 minute.

Tim= 8 rounds/1 burpee + 36 pull ups = 567 reps
Me= 9 rounds/3 air squats + 30 pull ups = 603 reps

I think i'll give this one another shot during the week, as I really want to get past 10 rounds and if you can manage to get the 30 double unders in as well it will put you in a good position to fly past other competitiors.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Training weaknesses- benchmark "Marshall"

Today myself and Tim created a benchmark for ourselves, consisting of things we suck at. Named "Marshall" for obvious reasons, it will be our benchmark wod to do every month or so to improve our times and more importantly our weaknesses. It sucked balls- a sign of a good wod!

WOD- 8am "Marshall"
3 Rounds for time:
-1000m row
-10 Handstand pushups
-20 wallballs  (9kg @ 10')

Tim= 24:14
Me= 28:48

This was honestly one of the hardest things i've ever had to do. I hate rowing. Suck at HSPU's, and combining these movements with wallballs made you hate yourself after 3 reps. In saying that, can't wait to do it again and slash some time!! :)

12pm- Olympic Lifting: Clean & Jerk
Lifting with the boys today, always bound to be some pr's.. not by me though.
-Deadlift = 130kg
-clean = 90kg
-split jerk = 75kg
clean & Jerk = 70 kg

I've been attempting all my jerks from the rack position with elbows high (as opposed to elbows under hands/forearms verticle). I am doing this because i know when that weight gets heavier it's going to be harder to keep it on the rack and push from the wrists. It is a wierd feeling jerking this way and i'm still not confident getting under the bar yet as my result shows (20kg less that current PR), but it will come... just have to keep at it.

Mainsite Wod- 1:30pm
"G.I. Jane"
-100 burpee pullups for time
My time= 13:51

Sweaty- that is all.

Monday, 21 November 2011


WOD 12pm - Benchmark 'Helen'
3 rounds for time:
-400m run
-21 KB swings
-12 pull ups

Don't let the reps fool you, this workout is the real deal. the reps are just enough to warrant your best efforts to go unbroken. The rx (prescribed) weight for the kettlebells are 24kg for men, however they were all taken, prompting a serious dilemma of going for the 20's or the 28's. I finished this workout in a time 10:13 with the 28kg KB's. Pissed off I didn't get under my goal of 10 mins, but beat my last Helen time of 10:40 Rx.. some improvement!

Strength & Power- 4pm
5-5-5-5-5 backsquats onto box.
=last set failed on the 5th rep @ 110kg!!

1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Split Jerks.
= hurt my wrist doing snatches the other day so only made 80kg on the 4th set, and failed the next 3 @85kg.

-Max bench press @ 30kg for 60 seconds.
Tim= 50 reps
Match= 50
Jack= 42
Moz= 36

The idea is to be able to get to 60 reps, then increase the weight, attempt to get 60 again and so on..
I'm liking these sessions.

Women's bootcamp session- 6pm
Tonight was my first bootcamp class i have taken with total strangers, Somewhat daunting! Situated at a park in jolimont (jersey st) only five of the seven showed up and those who did looked unfit and unmotivated to say the least. However, as we got into it, so did the girls and I was very happy with how it went by the end. This is the session in general:

(jog 80m, form a circle, high knees, little feet, twist the back, star jumps, lunges & arm swings)

WOD 1- boxing
in pairs: one person boxing, other holding pads.
-10 punches, 5 undercuts, both partners run to 40m cone & back.
-20 punches, 10 undercuts, " "
-40 punches, 20 undercuts, " "
-20 punches, 10 undercuts, " "
-10 punches, 5 undercuts, " "
Then swap over.

While recovering, I went over the air squat, push up & sit up and corrected technique.

WOD 2- "Benchmark"
I decided since this was our first session that we will do a benchmark workout so we can record their scores and re-do it at the end of their 4 week program so they can see the results (I Hope!).

6 minute AMRAP:
-every minute on the minute run 80m (to cone and back).
-For the remainder of the minute accumulate reps.
-minute 1) air squats 2) push ups 3) sit ups... and repeat.
We had scores ranging from 30 to 98.

WOD 3- Tabata plank
-20 seconds on, 10 seconds off: 8 rounds (4 minutes in total).

-Stretch & De-brief.

Overall, I think the ladies were challenged tonight and for the most part enjoyed it. Must admit, it was a shock at first to train people who aren't into hardcore crossfit style excercise and had to constantly remind myself to tone it down and ease them into it... really made me appreciate Cooee's athletes! However they learned new techniques as well as some crossfit lingo. I was complemented by one on my effort to go through some proper stretches at the end with the class as apparently no one else bothers. I just hope they come back!

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Heavy Fran

Been a bit caught up with exams lately, but have been training none the less. Today I tested out the mainsite WOD as i'm going to try and incorporate more of their programing into my training.

Heavy Fran:
-thrusters (60kg)
-weighted pull ups  (20kg)

Used a weight vest for the pull ups which i could only manage in sets of 3. The thrusters were HEAVY as they used to be my one rep max not too long ago. Did the first 3 reps in a row, then the next 2... from then on in all singles haha! Managed a time of 15:29. Almost three times longer than my current fran time. As it was my first time doing this wod i didn't have any expectations and look forward to giving it another shot in the near future. I did however lose to my brother's 14:58 time he did this morning... not cool.

Holidays are soon approaching and I can't wait to rip into some serious training, healthy eating and good times all round!

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Call Of The Wild

Today I was reminded that we are all animals, civilised ones at times, but still animals. I was watching David Attenborough's 'The Arctic' or something of a similar title tonight after working out in the 5:15pm class. Seeing male polar bears size each other up, muskoxen ram heads together, all to determine who was the stronger one, who would win the meal, territory, approval of the female. Every now and again that animal instinct comes out in a workout.

Find your 3 rep max 'backsquat'.
Final Weight= 110kg

WOD- Benchmark 'Claudia'
5 rounds for time:
-20 KB swings (24/16kg)
-400m run
My time= 13:49

I really don't think I could have done a much faster time than that, I gave it everything. I think the only way that time is going to go down is from getting stronger & faster, not mentally tougher. I credit this to that animal instinct and male competitiveness that has been instilled into us through millennia of evolution. I had Match hot on my tails for the majority of the wod, swing for swing at the start, then once I had overtaken him on the run it was just a matter of holding on. I knew he would be trying to hunt me down, see his opportunity and strike. It could have been very easy to just roll over and let him go in for the kill, part of you even wants to, but the other part says "FUCK NO, I GOT THIS!". Flying through the door and collapsing in a pile of raw emotion, pain, and untouchable satisfaction as your male counterpart collapses next to you 5 seconds later. It isn't the same as in the wild where it's a fight to the death, but that mentality can definitely find it's way into the box from time to time... It's always friendly and good natured. Always a good thing.

Monday, 7 November 2011

Squat Clean PR

Managed to win todays pre-wod at the box today (work up to one rep max clean) and hit a new PR while at it!

-1 rep max clean
= 97.5 kg

This was huge for me. Though it was a squat clean, it beat my power clean PR by 7.5 kg and was evidence that i am getting stronger! It was only a few months ago that 80kg was my 1 rep max (+17.5kg!). I really struggled to even get 3 points in Games Wod 3 in April this year (5 min amrap of 75kg squat clean and jerk- one point for each). A goal of mine for some time has been to clean 100kg, something that may be accomplished sooner than anticipated...

- KB swings       (24kg)
- Power Cleans  (50kg)
- sit ups
My time= 10:40

Really wanted to beat Head Coach and good friend Match on this one as he had set the pace early with a 9:27 time in one of the morning classes. Match is super consistent and competitive.. so generally if you best him in a wod- you're doing well. Not today though!

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Affiliate Cup Training

This post is for Wednesday 2nd November.

Wod- 12pm:
-Chest to bar pull ups
-Thrusters            (35kg)
My time= 10:48

'Amrap 10 mins'
-clean & presses (28kg)
*on the minute every minute 100m run.
My score= 56

Still recovering from my birthday, these wods sucked!! much harder then they looked. Even with light thrusters (35kg), there was still 63 of these suckers plus 63 c2b.

Intermediate team training- 4pm:
Team consisting of Myself, Angie, Kirst & Pistol Pete.

*with only one athlete working at a time, complete for time:
-2000m row
21-15-9 (kb snatch & knees to elbows)
21-15-9 (sandbag lunges & double unders)
21-15-9 (ring dips & OH squats)
21-15-9 (handstand pushups & Sumo deadlift highpull)
21-15-9 (c2b pull ups & back squats)
-2000m row
Then each had 5 mins to get max snatch.

This was a lot of fun, and involved a number of different movements to give us a better idea of everyones strengths and weaknesses, and thus things to work on.

This is my list that I recognised during the workout:
-kb snatch
-knees to elbows
-double unders
-c2b pull ups

Birthday WOD!

This post is for Monday the 31st of October, Halloween, Mine and Tim's 20th Birthday!

We designed the workouts ourselves for the box. The athlete had a choice of either WOD TIM or WOD JACK.

'20 min amrap'
-6 box Jumps    (28/24")
-6 toes to bAr
-6 squat Cleans  (60/40kg)
-1 clean + jerK  (60/40kg)

'20 min amrap'
-10 power snaTch  (50/30kg)
-10 pIstols
-100m farMers carry  (kettlebells- 32/24kg)

I did WOD JACK and was determined to set a cracking rx score. Aiming for 10 rounds, i managed 8 rounds 16 reps, just 3 reps shy of 9 rounds. I think Tim had the next best Rx at 8/13 haha! This was a good wod, however it may as well have been 20 minutes of squat cleans as that's what it felt like. The Box jumps and Toes to bar only elevated the heart rate a little and then you found yourself back on that damn bar!

Didn't get a chance to try Tim's WOD but will have to give it a shot sometime. Tim managed a total of 4 rounds by the end of the 20 mins. The plan is to do the same Wod's every year but just increase the amrap by 1 minute.